# Order completion is possible, although not all ordered goods are available in the selected store

Unfortunately, there was a bug between Shopware and that made it possible to complete orders despite errors. This meant that a pick-up order could be placed in a selected store that does not have all the items ordered in stock. Further technical information can be found in the associated Shopware issue https://issues.shopware.com/issues/NEXT-22205.

# Is the selected store informed if a customer orders there via Click & Collect?

Yes, immediately after completing the order, an email will be sent to the selected store. The mail template used for this is "NetiStorePickup: Order Confirmation". The e-mail is sent to the e-mail address entered in the "Contact" tab under "Notification e-mail address". The dispatch is not controlled via a flow, but started by a direct mail event. It is therefore not possible to prevent the sending from the configuration.