# Plugin configuration

# General configuration

# Enabled for sales channel

Activates all functions for the selected sales channel.

# Registration

# Activation for account type

If an account type has been selected, such as business customers, must be actively activated by you after registration. Otherwise the customer cannot log in.

The customer receives a notification and an e-mail with the information. (see E-Mailtemplate and Flow)


The customer account is activated either under Admin > Customers > selected customer > Tab: AccessManager or by e-mail (see Activation of registration by e-mail)

# Activation of registration by email

If the option is activated - unless otherwise configured in Flow - the e-mail address entered in the master data under Admin > Settings > Shop > Master data: Shop operator e-mail Address is deposited, an email is sent with the data. The activation can take place directly here. See also: Mailtemplate Operator

# Status change notification

Defines when the customer should receive information via email. Options:

| options | explanation | |----------------------------------|:------------- ------------------------------------------------😐 | Only for the first activation | E-mail on first activation | | on every status change | E-mail for each change, such as activation and deactivation |

# Customer group for account type "private customer"

Determine the customer group to which the customer should be assigned after a completed registration.

# Customer group for account type "Business customer"

Determine the customer group to which the customer should be assigned after a completed registration.

# Defined account type

The "I am" selection is completely omitted (even if this was activated under: Admin > Settings > Shop >Registration: Show selection between business and customer account) and the corresponding form for the respective account type is displayed directly displayed.


This option is very helpful if it is a pure B2B shop, since the business customer form can be displayed here immediately.

# Show experience world for account type "private customer"?

The selected world of experience is displayed above the "I am" field.

# World of experience for the account type "private customer"

The selected experience world is displayed when the previous option is activated.

# Display experience world for account type "business customer"?

The selected world of experience is displayed above the "I am" field.

# World of experience for the "Business customer" account type

The selected experience world is displayed when the previous option is activated.

# Registration: Customer group selection


Instead of the "I am" account type selection, it is also possible in AccessManager to display and select existing customer groups. After registration, the customer is assigned to the corresponding customer group.

# Enable customer group selection in registration?

If the option is activated, the Shopware "I am" selection is omitted and the following customer groups are displayed.

# Which customer groups should be set for registration?

Determine which customer groups should be displayed for selection.

# Which customer groups should the business form be displayed to?

Determine which customer groups are shown the business form.

# File upload for customer groups

Determine which customer groups need to upload files upon registration.

# Activation for customer groups

Determine which customer groups should be activated.

# Registration: Mandatory fields

# Tax ID

Activate the option if this is a mandatory field during registration.

# Department

Activate the option if this is a mandatory field during registration.

# File upload

AccessManager brings with it the option of uploading files, such as an extract from the commercial register, etc. in the registration form.

# File upload upon registration for account type

Enables file upload for the appropriate account type.

# Number of file upload fields

Determine the number of upload fields


Determine the number of upload fields. The default label (document 1 - x) of the upload fields can be overwritten using text modules (neti-next-access-manager.store-front.account.login.upload-files.label.1).

# File upload file formats

Determine the number of upload fields. The default label (document 1 - x) of the upload fields can be overwritten using text modules (neti-next-access-manager.store-front.account.login.upload-files.label.1).

# Maximum file size in MB

Determine the maximum file size.

# File upload as mandatory fields?

Determine whether the upload fields are mandatory.

# Private shop

AccessManager allows so-called private shopping. This means that customers can only see and purchase the products once they are logged in.

# Only show shop after login

Enables private shopping

# Whitelisted url paths

These urls can - if PrivateShopping is activated - be reached by the customer.

# Examples:

  • /navigation/*
  • /navigation/0afe3f13986c4559a92ba4493753e899
  • /Store*

# Whitelisted Controllers

These shopware controllers can be reached by the customer if PrivateShopping is activated.

# Examples:

  • NetInventors\NetiNextStoreLocator\Storefront\Controller\StoreLocator*
  • NetInventors\NetiNextStoreLocator\Storefront\Controller\StoreLocatorController

# Disable registration form?

Hides the registration form. Customers can only log in.

# Hide shopping cart icon when shop is locked?

Hides the shopping cart icon.

# Forwarding to blocked shop

Determine the category to which the customer will be redirected when the customer is on a blocked page.

# Allowed Categories (Whitelisted Categories)

Determine which categories are visible despite the blocked shop.

# Hide product prices for this customer group(s).

Determine which customer group(s) are not allowed to see prices in the shop. The "Add to Cart" button is also suppressed.

# Hide prices for customers who are not logged in?

Hides prices for customers who are not logged in.

# Deactivate order option for this customer group(s).

Determine which customer group(s) are not allowed to place any products in the shopping cart.

# Redirect after login

After registration you can be redirected to different pages.

# Redirect type

| Option | explanation | |--------------------------------|:--------------- --------------------------------------😐 | Standard redirection from Shopware | Customer is logged in and the account is displayed. | | Category | Redirect to specific category | | landing page | Redirect to specific landing page | | Last viewed page | Redirect to last page accessed |

# Redirect to a category

Applies only when the redirect type is Category.

# Redirect to a landing page

Applies only when the redirect type is Landing Page.

# Editing of account data

With AccessManager, the processing of customer data in the customer account can be deactivated.

# Block billing address editing for customer groups

Determine the customer groups that are not allowed to edit the billing address.

# Block processing of delivery address for customer groups

Determine the customer groups that are not allowed to edit the delivery address.

# Block editing of the mail address for customer groups

Determine the customer groups who are not allowed to edit the email.