
NetiNextPhpSpreadsheet 5.0.0

The PhpSpreadsheet plugin provides the PhpSpreadsheet library for global use. After installing the plugin, you can integrate PhpSpreadsheet into your code as normal.

Get started

This plugin provides the PhpSpreadsheet (https://github.com/PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheet (opens new window)) for global use. After installing the plugin, you can integrate PhpSpreadsheet into your code as normal.

It is important to note that all PhpSpreadsheet namespaces have the following prefix: NetInventors\NetiNextPhpSpreadsheet\Isolated

that is, the namespace/ class PhpSpreadsheet/XYZ becomes: NetInentors\NetiNextPhpSpreadsheet\Isolated\PhpSpreadsheet/XYZ

On our GitLab (opens new window) developers can participate in the further development of the open source plugin.

# Highlights

⭐️ Easy installation
⭐️ Can easily be used by third parties
⭐️ No composer installation necessary

# Features

✔️ Provides PhpSpreadsheet functions for SW6